If you’ve read the Leashes & Lace books or the fourth Beautiful Shame book, then you’ve met Bishop, the pup in Our Love. He’s an excitable pup and sub who loves taking care of his friends. But they’re all in far-off places and he’s lonely…and he hates his job…and he’s ready for a change.
So that’s Bishop in a nutshell…but who are Ian and Cohen?
Bishop meets Ian and Cohen at a party at the start of book one. If you’ve read the bonus chapters (found here or here) for the Leashes & Lace series, you know who the party is for. (I won’t spoil it if you haven’t read it, though.) There’s a spark when he meets both men, but he’s not sure what he’s feeling for the cute little Ian.
With Cohen, it’s easier to define, though. Cohen is a sexy businessman who’s good friends with Eli and Preston and knows a lot about the L&L crowd, even though he’s on the outer edges of their world. He’s sweet, loves spanking a sub, and he’s never had a pup in his life…or a little.
Watching them navigate their way through their emotions and possibly some complicated relationship is sweet, and I can’t wait for you to get to know these guys.
Our Love comes out September 9th and is up for pre-order right now!
Here’s a peek at the start of book one…Our Pup.