What’s Coming Up?

Oh, that’s a hard question…the answer is everything, really. I’ve got several books and ideas in various stages.

-One of the things I’m actively writing is a novella for the Dirty Daddies Pride Anthology (June) that has Tony and Loki from the coffee shop in it. (You meet them in A Whipped Cream Kind of Day.)

Skyler snaps and he’s demanding they fix their drama (that’s the definition of irony right there). Remy has to step in and try to help them sort their snark into something more productive…like romance. They’re so cute. I can’t wait to show you more about their story.

-I’m also working on the next book for TC and Perry. I love getting to write the dirty talk in that series, but seeing how they justify their decisions is one of my favorite things about the books. They’re so funny and sexy. I can’t wait to show you how their story continues in His to Use.

-The next book in the disaster series is also underway. Donovan and Trey are so much fun to write. I love seeing how their relationship is developing. I can’t give away too much yet, but I’m having so much fun with these guys. (Book 1, When the Storm Comes, will be released on April 29th!)

Also on the schedule for later this year (so in the planning phases right now) are:

-Bishop (who shows up as side character in Wesley, and Christopher & Ethan Beautiful Shame, Book 3).

-Aubrey and Lincoln’s story (Aubrey shows up in Rethinking Fate)

-Another Too Close book

-And probably another Beautiful Shame book…

And lots more because everyone in my head is very chatty.

Comment below: What are you looking forward to the most?

4 thoughts on “What’s Coming Up?

    1. I’ve finally figured out what the next BS book will be about!! I can’t wait to start working on it.

  1. Aubrey and Lincoln?!?!?! I can’t wait! I’ve been waiting on their story since they were mentioned in Bound and Controlled and since meeting Aubrey in Rethinking Fate. I’m so excited!

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