What Emerson Wants – Owners and Dolls Cover Reveal!


I’m honestly not sure where to start with him. He is wonderfully unique and does things his own way.

Honestly, he does everything his own way. It’s to the point where sometimes I stop writing and I’m like no sweetie that’s not what we’re supposed to be doing here. He never listens, but he’s always very polite and sweet when he talks me into what he wants.

And what he wants is his Owner and lots of naughty role-playing. He’s a handful.

But he’s a handful that has a sexy book cover, lots of fun corsets, and lots of dirty talk with his slightly confused Owner, Luca.

Luca thinks Emerson is fascinating.

They’re both nuts but utterly perfect together, and I can’t wait to show you their story when it comes out on October 16th.

But for now, their preorder is up and here is their sexy cover.

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Owners and Dolls by MA Innes -Gay Romance Book Cover

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