Insults between MCs (e.g. whore, slut)
Mention of Parental Verbal/Emotional Abuse
Minor Miscommunication (no relationship angst)
Derogatory Names (not from MCs)
Reference to Past Recreational Substance Abuse
Mention of Past Attempted Physical Assults
Mention of Attempted Suicide (off page, not MC)
Attempted Non-Consensual Bareback Sex (Not between MCs)
Mention of Attempted Kidnapping
Reference to Suicidal Ideation
Mention of Being Forced to Come Out
Mention of Developmental/Hormonal Medical Issues
Light, Teasing Consensual Non-Consent
Critters: Spiders, Mention of crickets, Mouse
Medical Heart Issues - Resolved
Mention of Disabled Person Getting Harrassed
Mention of Cheating (Not Between MCs)
Breech of Confidentiality By Mental Health Professional
Mention of Broken Family Relationships
Mention of a Close Relative Suicide
Attempted Forced Domination (not between MCs)
Mention of Controlling Religious Cult
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