Series Name:
Shared Book Locations:
Series Name:
Shared Book Locations:
Spoilers or Triggers:
Terms of Endearments:
Acts of Intimacy:
- Age Play : Bath Time
- Blow Job
- Cock Cage
- Cockwarming
- Come Marking/Coming on Partner
- Coming in Clothes
- Consensual Humiliation
- Discussions of Consent/Boundaries/Kink
- Exhibitionism
- Frottage
- Handjob
- Hands Free Orgasm
- Kneeling
- Objectification
- Prostate Massage
- Sex in Little Space
- Spanking for Funishment
- Subspace
Series Name:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B0CTLPF736
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B093T1CJFR
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B07QMNZL42
Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
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Spoilers or Triggers:
Acts of Intimacy:
Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
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Spoilers or Triggers:
Acts of Intimacy:
Character Types:
Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
Shared Book Locations:
Spoilers or Triggers:
Terms of Endearments:
Acts of Intimacy:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B0CPQ2J634
Spoilers or Triggers:
Terms of Endearments:
Acts of Intimacy:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B097F4H6H5
Shared Book Locations:
Spoilers or Triggers:
Character Types:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B0B86GD72F
- 979-8351869629
Shared Book Locations:
Character Types:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
Acts of Intimacy:
Character Types:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B0BLXT649M
Acts of Intimacy:
Character Types:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
Shared Book Locations:
Spoilers or Triggers:
Acts of Intimacy:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
Shared Book Locations:
Character Types:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
Character Types:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B09FMW9Z55
Acts of Intimacy:
Character Types:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B088CY1DZ9
- 979-8356469930
Shared Book Locations:
Acts of Intimacy:
Character Types:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- 9781005781347
Shared Book Locations:
Character Types:
Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B07SVY1MS5
- 1660232694
- 978-1660232697
Shared Book Locations:
Terms of Endearments:
Acts of Intimacy:
Character Types:
Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- 1660228832
- 978-1660228836
Shared Book Locations:
Spoilers or Triggers:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
Acts of Intimacy:
Heat Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B07FZ75L8R
- 1724095307
- 978-1724095305
Acts of Intimacy:
Character Types:
Heat Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- 1724059920
- 978-1724059925
Acts of Intimacy:

It’s Joel’s fault. Dean’s questions are piling up along with his emotions, but Joel’s parents keep adding more with every overly “helpful” phone call. Just when he thinks it can’t get more stressful, he’s proven wrong. They get invited to dinner.
He knows his parents’ life lessons have made him the best partner ever, but he’s not sure his boyfriends-slash-Doms understand that. Luckily for him, though, they get invited to dinner, so he can finally show off how not greedy he is and how special his Daddy and his Dom are.
Dean might have a vast array of new things to worry about, but Tate is busy wondering if his partners know how adorable they are and if they realize just how close to falling in love they all are. But he’s got questions to answer and fun things on their list to explore, so finding time to worry about love just isn’t on his to-do list.
With emotions running high and logic running low, it’ll take being Olive Garden special to remind three adorable cuties just how incredible their future will be.

It’s the neighbors’ fault. All of it. Well, not the booze but everything else that led up to the weird we’re going to figure this out exploration is definitely the neighbors’ fault. Dean’s starting to realize he’s not as nervous about their new adventure as he should be but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t found plenty to worry about. With his roommates and best friends, there’s always something to worry about.
They have the best neighbors, but they’ve left Joel with more than a few questions. Why do people submit? Why don’t more people like humiliation? Why has it taken him so long to figure out how much he likes his roommates? Yes, Joel has questions, but he’s not going to let that stop him from diving into all kinds of fun.
They were adorably insane, but Tate wouldn’t change his best friends for anything. He also can’t deny them much, so no one is surprised when he dives right in to answering Joel’s questions and helping Dean to figure out caretaking comes in all kinds of interesting packages. New questions might bring curious changes, but he knows he’s the Dom for the job.
When three best friends sit down with questions and fruity drinks, it’ll take more than second-guessing and alcohol to keep them from lending a helping hand and sharing their passion-filled hearts.
Learning to Change (5) and Learning to Grow (6) are a standalone duet. This duet has the opera singer who lives in our favorite apartment building, but you do not need to have read the other books in the series to enjoy these.

Vom Austausch von E-Mails bis zum Zusammenziehen verging nur ein Wimpernschlag, aber Jackson hätte es nicht anders gewollt. Die Eigenheiten und Bedürfnisse seiner Jungs kennenzulernen, war bisher faszinierend und unendlich amüsant. Bei Sawyers stillem Verlangen und Coopers erotischen Fantasien weiß Jackson, dass sie für ihn bestimmt sind.
Sawyer und Cooper wissen mehr als jeder andere, dass sich das Leben in einer Sekunde ändern kann, aber jeder Moment, den sie mit Jackson verbringen, macht sie zuversichtlicher, dass sie den richtigen Master getroffen haben. Sie haben endlich den Mann gefunden, der ihre Familie komplett macht.
Wenn eine Familie von zwei auf drei Personen anwächst, gibt es zwangsläufig Höhen und Tiefen, aber es ist die Art und Weise, wie man mit Unebenheiten und Wendungen umgeht, die am Ende entscheidet. Wenn man sich den Herausforderungen gemeinsam stellt, kann die Liebe alles überwinden.

Li aveva osservati così a lungo che probabilmente valeva come stalking.
Bryce era sicuro di sé, quando si trattava di lavoro e della sua famiglia, ma esitava quando si trattava di relazioni. Aveva trovato dei sub che lo attiravano e dei Dom che avrebbero potuto indebolirgli le ginocchia per una o due scene, ma nessuno che gli prendesse il cuore o che potesse capire com’era essere sia un Dom che un sub, fino a quando aveva visto Troy e Oliver…
Lo avevano osservato per così tanto tempo che avevano deciso di tenerlo.
Bryce si librava intorno a loro come una falena attirata da una fiamma. Girava in cerchio e osservava, ma non si avvicinava mai, non si avvicinava mai a loro. Troy e Oliver erano stanchi di aspettare. Sapevano di aver bisogno di un terzo uomo per essere completi e sapevano di aver bisogno di Bryce. Ma lui era pronto? Non volevano un’avventura di una notte o una storia casuale. Volevano tutto con lo switch confuso che aveva attirato la loro attenzione, e forse i loro cuori.

Es war Zufall, dass Jackson seine Jungs fand, doch alles, was darauf folgte, war seine freie Entscheidung. Nach einigen Wochen, in denen Jackson seine „Welpen“ kennenlernen konnte, kann er sich bereits eine Zukunft mit Sawyer und Cooper vorstellen. Er muss ihnen nur irgendwie beibringen, dass er ihr „Master aus freien Stücken“ ist und nichts seine Entscheidung ändern wird.
Cooper und Sawyer hatten so lange davon geträumt ihren „Master Right“ zu finden, doch als Jackson ein Teil ihres Lebens wird, weiß keiner der beiden so recht, wie Familie mit ihm zusammen aussehen soll. Doch eines ist klar, dass dies genau die Familie sein soll, die sie gewählt haben.

Ein Versehen verändert Jacksons Leben von Grund auf.
Als Jacksons Schwester versehentlich eine Werbung für ein Puppy Play Buch postet, statt der Annonce für Jacksons Hundeschule, quillt Jacksons E-mail Postfach über mit den interessantesten E-mails, die er je gelesen hat. Puppy Play als Fetisch war ihm bis dahin völlig fremd und in dieser Flut an kinky Nachrichten sticht ihm eine mehr ins Auge als alle anderen.
Cooper und Sawyer sind sicher, dass sie eher im Lotto gewinnen als den Mann ihrer Träume zu finden. Denn verantwortungsvolle, zärtliche und gleichzeitig dominante Master, die an Puppy Play interessiert sind, fallen nicht täglich vom Himmel. Als sie die Annonce von Jackson im Internet finden, können sie ihr Glück gar nicht fassen. Doch – was passiert, wenn sich das Missverständnis aufklärt? Und wenn Jackson nicht an zwei menschlichen “Welpen” interessiert ist?

With a human-pup slave and a werewolf pet, Liam is perfectly content with where his life is — right up until the point where everything shattered. In his haste to satisfy his sire, he makes a choice that fractures the untraditional family he’d created, and he’s left to pick up the pieces in the aftermath.
But Zain isn’t a mindless pet, Caleb isn’t as much a submissive pup as he might seem… and all three of them definitely have opinions on what the future looks like… and who’s in it.
Will a fight for their pup’s affection further damage their relationship, or will it bring them back together?
This is the final book in the Tamed & Trained trilogy, and it cannot be read as a standalone. Please read the warnings on Puppy (Tamed & Trained #1) before continuing Caleb, Liam, and Zain’s journey!

Zain was just a dog walker. It was an unconventional job for a werewolf, even a brand new one, but he liked dogs and they liked him. It only seemed to make sense… right up until the point a vampire called him in to take care of his human pup.
When his life collided with Liam and Caleb’s, none of them were prepared for the directions it could take. Especially Zain.
But between the sexy pup and the vampire’s creativity, the power struggles pitting dominance against submission — and acceptance — the two might be too intriguing to just walk away from…
When M.A. Innes, bestselling author of sweet taboo romance, and R. Phoenix, author of playful dark erotica, paranormal romance, and horror team up, you should leave your expectations at the door. The duo responsible for Almost Strangers, a sweet contemporary romance with more than a few taboo themes, has collaborated again to bring you something from the other side of the force.
That said, here are a few notes from Raissa:
This is not an alpha / omega / beta tale, at least not in the usual sense (designation at birth, slick, heats, mpreg, primary focus on the werewolf part, etc.). Alas, “Alpha” in this universe is completely different and refers more to status. I hope you’ll give it a shot anyway, but please don’t expect A/B/O dynamics! (Though there are plenty of Big Os in here. Just saying.)
To M.A. Innes’s Readers:
I’ve temporarily corrupted your favorite author. Don’t worry; it isn’t permanent. Seriously, though, please do not go into this book thinking it is a typical M.A. Innes book. It isn’t. Innes is writing in my world — and my world is a much darker place. The warnings are there for a reason, darlings!
To R. Phoenix’s Readers:
Hello, my loves! It’s great to (finally!) get back to Caleb and Liam. Thanks so much for being patient. I know it’s been a while, but I hope you’ll agree this was worth the wait. You know the drill — this is playful dark erotica, emphasis on the dark. If you’ve read Puppy, you’re (probably) ready for Alpha. ???? Give a warm welcome to Zain!
Other Notes:
*This is the sequel to Puppy by R. Phoenix, which should be read first. Sorry, loves, it’s definitely not a standalone.
*(Warnings/Potential Spoilers) Prepare for M/M/M, puppy play, body modification, humiliation, dehumanization, and other stuff I’m forgetting about right now. Not every dynamic or element is 100% consensual.

Taking chances isn’t one of Nolan’s strong suits…and neither is going after what he wants. But when his new friendship with Trip and Maverick shows him the courage he didn’t realize he had, he knows it’s time to confront his slightly uptight boyfriend, Reid, and go after what he’s always wanted…a Daddy.
Reid realizes there’s no more dodging Nolan’s not-so-subtle hints about BDSM, but that doesn’t mean he knows what to do about it. As he looks at his sweet boyfriend, all he does know is that he’d do anything to make him happy…and anything to keep him safe. Even if that means finding Nolan a Daddy…a Tentacle Daddy.
When love and acceptance become a rock and a hard place, sometimes it takes a new perspective and a few tentacles to find the way forward.

Sparkles. As the most fabulous dragon that has ever graced the skies, Lorne always pictured his mate as…well…at least slightly shiny. He knows he’s incomparable, but he thought his mate would match him in some wonderfully glittery way. What he’s not expecting are two mates who seem to think black is a lifestyle and not a sin against fashion.
Mages. When it comes to insane mates, nothing holds a candle to a drama queen mage who expects the worst…but their oblivious cutie who always has his head in the clouds is running a close second. As a Daddy without a little and a mate who’s all alone, though, Monroe knows it’s time to stop waiting for fate to have all the answers.
Dragons. They’re a pain in every conceivable way, but Carrick knows he’s stuck with them when fate matches him with not one but two illogical dragons who seem to have been put on the Earth to drive him crazy. Unfortunately, it seems like their insanity might be one of his favorite things about his unexpected mates.
When one mate isn’t as innocent as he appears and the other two are diamonds in the rough, three men will come to realize that mates are always meant to be.

Keegan hasn’t had the best luck with Doms or dating, but he’s not letting that stop him from finding Mr. Right…or maybe that should be Mr. Flirty and Mr. Stern but Sexy. When a promise leads him to the Bound & Controlled club, his artistic nature can’t help being pulled to two very different Doms, but who says he has to pick just one?
Julian and Niall know they’re no good for each other. They’ve been down that path, and all they found was frustration and baggage. But when a too-sweet-for-his-own-good artist bounces into the club, they have to decide if they’re willing to let the past get in the way of what could be a perfect future.
Sometimes love is easy…sometimes love is hard…but it’s always worth fighting for.

When had his whole life become so miserable?
Bishop knew something had to change when the only bright spots in his life were his online friends. So when a chance to visit one came out of the blue, he knew it was fate…and fate had a plan that involved the guys at his favorite online store, Leashes & Lace.
When had his whole life become so boring?
Cohen knew something had changed the moment he saw the smiling, laughing man across the crowded bar. After a string of bad dates and terrible relationships, his expectations had hit rock bottom…until a smiling pup stepped into his arms and into his life.
When had his whole life become so grown-up?
Ian knew something had to change when he couldn’t remember the last Daddy he’d dated. Unfortunately, while his work had subs popping out from behind every camera lens, Leashes & Lace didn’t have an abundance of Daddies wandering around…or at least they didn’t until a new pup came bouncing into town.
Our Love is the complete series of three novels that contains Our Pup, Our Boy, and Our Dom. The individual titles will be released separately. As you’ve probably guessed, this sweet romance is about a pup, a little, and a Dom and will be MMM with a wonderfully happy ending.
For full information on tags, spoilers, and book information, see each individual book page.

Ian knew something had to change when he couldn’t remember the last Daddy he’d dated. Unfortunately, while his work had subs popping out from behind every camera lens, Leashes & Lace didn’t have an abundance of Daddies wandering around…or at least they didn’t until a new pup came bouncing into town.
As the whirlwind of coming together with Bishop and Cohen finally settles down, Ian is left wondering what to do when Bishop heads out of town for a few days, leaving him and Cohen alone for the first time. With his Daddy gone, Ian has to turn to Cohen for stability, laughter…and just maybe love.
When the Daddy’s away, it’s the Dom’s turn to play…and to figure out how to care for a cheeky little who has both him and Bishop wrapped around his finger.

Cohen knew something had changed the moment he saw the smiling, laughing man across the crowded bar. After a string of bad dates and terrible relationships, his expectations had hit rock bottom…until a smiling pup stepped into his arms and into his life.
However, nothing is simple as Cohen dives into the curious relationship between his pup, his pup’s boy, and the three of them together. With Cohen learning what it means to be in a relationship with two men and Bishop learning what it means to be a Daddy, there’s no way to hide how they’re coming to feel about their boy.
When a Dom, an unexpected switch, and a little finally open up, anything can happen.

Bishop knew something had to change when the only bright spots in his life were his online friends. So when a chance to visit one came out of the blue, he knew it was fate…and fate had a plan that involved the guys at his favorite online store, Leashes & Lace.
Of course, nothing in Bishop’s life had come easily, so he knew he shouldn’t have been surprised when he met not one but two sweet men who couldn’t have been more opposite…and who pulled out very different feelings in him.
When a pup meets a Dom, sparks are supposed to fly…but what about when a pup meets a little in search of a Daddy?

Dare knows that love alone can’t save his boys from a terrible fate…meeting his insane family.
Every hurdle they’ve crossed and every step they’ve taken has brought them closer together, but to test their bonds, Ryan, Scott, and Dare know they have one big obstacle left to tackle…family. But for Scott and Ryan, Dare’s two strong, sexy subs, admitting what they need from Dare is easy compared to handling his rambunctious family.
Between his family testing his patience and his desire to test his boys’ limits, Dare knows that keeping their relationship quiet won’t last much longer. But as love takes their relationship to the next level, the one thing they all know is that they’re finally where they were meant to be…together.

As his boys grow more confident, Dare couldn’t be prouder of them.
Each step they take brings them all closer together and gives Dare glimpses of the family they’ll become. They just have a few hurdles to get over first, but Dare isn’t worried. He’s seen the way they look at him and each other. That much love and tenderness means nothing can stand in their way.
As their relationship deepens, Scott and Ryan find out more about themselves and discover new questions to answer.
Relying on Dare to give them the push they need might not be the best idea, but they can’t help looking to him for guidance as they figure out who they really are. As their Dom, he’s the natural person to lead them through the start of their new relationship, but they both know eventually they’ll have to start opening up and let their Dom know exactly what they want…his love and control.
This series was originally titled The Weight of a Word. This book was also previously titled Love, but it has been expanded by ten thousand words to show more of the start of their relationship. This book should be read after the first in the series, Yours.

Dare loves challenging convention.
Dare doesn’t mind second glances and getting people’s attention. As a take-charge guy who looks more like a twink, he’s used to surprising guys…and his wicked streak means that most of the time he likes it. But when two shy hunks spend their evening watching him with wide eyes and nervous smiles, he knows he might have found exactly who he’s looking for…his Mr. Rights.
Scott and Ryan aren’t ready to challenge convention.
Secrets are harder to keep than Ryan and Scott ever imagined, especially when they’re keeping them from each other. Still, confession is only good for the soul when a friendship isn’t on the line…or at least that’s what they tell themselves, right up until the Dom with a wicked smile walks into their life.
When one take-charge flirt lands in the laps of two wary hunks, life will never be the same.
This series was originally titled The Weight of a Word. This book was previously titled Usand has been expanded by ten thousand words to show more of the start of their relationship.

Flirting with two fascinating men is fun for Destin, but he has to pick just one of the sweet guys if he wants to open up and share his secrets, doesn’t he?
Growing up in a unique environment hasn’t prepared Destin for college or the real world. Luckily, he knows how to throw himself into a project, whether it’s about learning to live in the dorms or the wonderful world of BDSM.
But it isn’t until he realizes that he might not have to choose between the sexy cop and the mechanic with the wicked smile that he realizes how much he still has to learn.
Avery and Ray have been flirting with the mysterious and mischievous Destin for weeks, but it isn’t until he starts to open up that they realize there’s more to the loveable flirt than meets the eye. But when getting to know Destin means dating each other as well, they start to realize how much is riding on their new relationship…everything.

Jumping in headfirst is something Kevin excels at, but now he’s not the only troublemaker in the family.
As the club visit gets closer and questions get more interesting, Kevin, Jeremy, Bryan, and Maddox are ready to take the next step in bringing their family closer together. Hopefully. Probably. Maybe? With Jeremy praying those steps don’t kill Bryan, and Kevin and Maddox giggling all the way, the holiday season has never been more interesting or more filled with love.
With a club visit to plan and the holidays to survive, four friends have to decide how big of a risk they’re willing to take to make the perfect family.
This book contains the three bonus chapters that were included in Our Too Close Christmas which came out as a bonus freebie in 2021. Too Close to Risk starts before the holidays and ends on Christmas Eve. Too Close to Deny (book 9) will finish Christmas and lead into more sexy shenanigans.

With a boyfriend and a Daddy who get along and both love him to pieces, whether they’ve said the words or not, Cody knows asking for more would be selfish. But when all he wants is for them to love each other as much as he loves them, is being selfish really bad?
Jameson knows that loving Cody means accepting Ford’s presence in Cody’s life as well. But what he isn’t expecting are his growing feelings for Ford. Jameson doesn’t want a Daddy, but would a friend who understands Cody be a bad thing? And what if it grows into something more?
Ford never thought that he’d find someone to love and take care of, much less two men who are starting to touch his heart in such different ways. As he looks at Cody and Jameson, he can see the family he’s longed for finally within his reach. But two men dating the same person is far different than falling in love with each other, and what if it’s more than Jameson can handle?
When two men come together in friendship around a third, is falling in love that big of a leap?

Can’t get enough of Jameson, Ford, and Cody? Get access to my Bonus Library to read the Embracing Friendship short.
Three might make the perfect family, but friendship fills a special need in everyone’s life…especially a little like Cody.
What’s the best way to cement new friendships? A barbecue, of course. What’s the best place to have a barbecue? A backyard with swings and a fort, of course. What’s the best way to breakdown barriers? Water guns and dessert, of course.
This short takes place after the ending of Embracing Love and before the playdate that takes place in Friends Lovers and Family. Sometimes I’ve referred to this as the barbecue short.

Two’s company and three’s a crowd, right? Not when you’ve got a genius who knows that sometimes it takes more than two people to make a family.
Cody’s been waiting years for his sexy former professor to take the leap and ask him out. Unfortunately, Cody’s youthful looks and the fact that Jameson has known him since he was fourteen aren’t helping the situation any. When the precocious student finally decides that the slightly reluctant Jameson needs a little push to move him in the right direction, Cody knows just what to do—follow his curiosity.
When Ford is introduced to Cody at Bound & Controlled, he’s interested but a little wary. Just because the funny little thing says he’s looking for a Daddy doesn’t mean Ford is the one for him. Guys are usually hesitant when it comes to getting close to an asexual Daddy Dom. But the unpredictable Cody seems to think that’s the perfect combination.
A little patience and a bit of research has helped Cody find his Mr. Rights. He’s just not sure what it will take to get his nervous professor and his loving Daddy to see that all they really need is each other.

When a mishap completely turns Jackson’s life upside down, he has two options: Ignore the sweet email from the two subs looking for a master or take a leap of faith and see where it will lead them. Luckily for pups Sawyer and Cooper, Jackson takes that leap and discovers that love sometimes comes in unexpected packages.
This boxed set contains the prequel to the series, the three main books in the series, and Family in Love, a bonus short where they take their first vacation as a family.

Going from exchanging emails to moving in together happened in the blink of an eye, but Jackson wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Getting to know the quirks and needs of each of his boys has been fascinating and endlessly amusing. With Sawyer’s quiet desire and Cooper’s erotic fantasies, Jackson knows they were meant to be his.
Sawyer and Cooper know more than anyone that life can change in a second, but every moment they spend with Jackson makes them more confident they’d met Master Right. They’d finally found the man who made their family complete.
When a family grows from two to three, there’s bound to be a learning curve, but it’s how they handle those bumps and turns that matter most. Facing the challenges together, their love can overcome anything.

Can’t get enough of these three?
Get access to my Bonus Library to read the Family in Love bonus in which the triad take their first vacation as a family..

One accident has turned Jackson’s life completely upside down.
When Jackson’s sister inadvertently posts an ad for a puppy play book instead of his dog training business, his inbox explodes with the most interesting emails he’s ever seen. In a sea of kink that he’s never even considered, one sweet letter stands out. It’s polite and earnest, and something about the two men’s words touches him in a way he never expected…but they’re not just looking for a lover…they’re looking for a master.
If finding a master for one pup was hard, finding a master who wanted two was almost impossible.
Cooper and Sawyer know that they have a better chance of winning the lottery than meeting the man of their dreams. Mature, sweet, dominant masters don’t just drop out of the sky…and when they add in the fact that they’re looking for a man who will love them both, the odds are astronomical. When they see Jackson’s ad online, Cooper couldn’t be more excited. He’s confident that the mysterious man who hints at being a master will be perfect for them. Sawyer, on the other hand, isn’t so sure that everything will go the way Cooper imagines, but saying no to Cooper is like stopping an excitable, well-meaning train.
However, when Jackson actually responds to their email, suddenly the impossible seems to be right within their grasp. Sparks and laughter fly as Cooper and Sawyer get to know the man who just might become their accidental master.
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