I hope you’ve been enjoying Jay and Logan in Untouched. Jay is the most innocent and least worldly character I’ve written, but his internal monologue is so funny. I love characters with a unique perspective, and those two are both so interesting.
Another character with a very different perspective that’s getting his own book soon is Dr. Sheppard. When he first popped up in Secrets in the Dark, I never expected readers to be so curious about him. Once he showed up in the Pieces series and in the Loving series (the Too Close books), it was time to give him his own story.
His book, Rethinking Fate, will be out on April 19. The preorder for Rethinking Fate will be up on April 14. It has some fun cameos from people you’ve met before, and while most of the book takes place ten years in the past, it opens and closes in the present to give you a peek into what Dr. Sheppard is thinking when he talks to Bryan and Kevin. I’m so excited for this book to come out so you can finally get to know Miles and his Daddy.