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- 979-8858063858
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- B093T1CJFR
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- B07QMNZL42
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- 9781005437862
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- 1696106907
- 978-1696106900
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- B07J56Q4T8
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- B0834LF86T
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- 1723933945
- 978-1723933943
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Terms of Endearments:
Acts of Intimacy:
- Age Play - with ABDL
- Age Play : Bath Time
- Age Play: Diaper Use (Wetting)
- Age Play: Diaper Wearing
- Age Play: Pacifier
- Anal Toys
- BDSM First Times
- Exhibitionism
- Fantasy Sharing
- Handjob
- Mention of Puppy Play
- Nipple Play
- Orgasm Control
- Physical Teasing
- Safe Sex
- Sex in Little Space
- Showering Together
- Spanking for Funishment
- Verbal Teasing
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- B07889WK5C
- 1723932965
- 978-1723932960
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- B07848FCNH
- 1723931942
- 978-1723931949
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Anson isn’t going to apologize for eavesdropping when the conversation is so fascinating and the questioner sounds so cute. He is, however, going to thoroughly enjoy discussing the intriguing topic and offer up his help. After all, scientific curiosity should be encouraged, especially when the inquisitive cutie has such an interesting hypothesis.
Kennedy knows he’s right…size does matter…but proving it seems like an impossible task until a helpful stranger in a naughty bar offers to set up an experiment…and to take Kennedy out on a date. Kennedy’s appropriately skeptical, of course. Most people find him annoying, but most people aren’t Anson, a sweetheart with more numbers in his life than friends.
When two unique men decide to tackle an age-old question, they’ll satisfy more than just their curiosity along the way.
Yes, you know what this is going to be about, but neither man considers it cheating since they’re working through their experiment together. It’s for science, of course. But if you want more details about the exact nature of their research, check out the inside of the book or the author’s website for more information.

Manchmal sind die einzigen Dinge, die einen Tag besser machen, Schlagsahne und Streusel.
Als Remy dem fliegenden Kaffeebecher eines verrückten Anwalts ausweicht und daraufhin seinen Job kündigt, ist er sich nicht sicher, was er tun soll. Aber er ist sich sicher, dass Schlagsahne alles besser macht, und der seltsame Barista, der ihm einen Job angeboten hat, kann nicht schlimmer sein als die Anwälte … oder?
Manchmal läuft es einfach nicht so, wie man es erwartet … sogar, wenn man ein Dom ist, der es mag, alles genau zu planen.
Brooks hatte gedacht, er hätte seine Sorgfaltspflicht erfüllt, bevor er in der neuen Firma anfing. Hatte er nicht, und jetzt muss er nicht nur herausfinden, wie es weitergeht, sondern auch, wie er die Dinge mit dem schnuckeligsten und schüchternsten Assistenten, den er je getroffen hat, in Ordnung bringen kann … vorausgesetzt, er findet heraus, wohin der perfekte, süße Kerl – und hoffentlich auch Sub – verschwunden ist.
Wenn ein schüchterner Junge auf einen übervorsichtigen Daddy trifft, brauchen sie manchmal einen Schubs, um ihr Glück zu finden – aber wozu hat man sonst Freunde?

Manchmal verlangt der Vormittag einfach nur nach einem Milchshake – vor allem, wenn man bei der Arbeit in die Luft gejagt wird.
Joshua ist es gewohnt, dass niemand seinen Job als YouTuber, der mit Spielen seinen Lebensunterhalt verdient, versteht. Es ist nicht gerade konventionell, aber die Littles, die er in letzter Zeit kennengelernt hat, scheinen zu verstehen, warum er seinen Job liebt. Aber er ist sich nicht sicher, ob er sich Turner öffnen will, der nicht nur sehr offensichtlich ein Daddy ist, sondern auch noch sehr geduldig flirtet – denn Joshua ist kein Little, und jetzt kann er nicht anders, als sich zu fragen, was er dem attraktiven, selbstbewussten Daddy zu bieten hätte.
Turner weiß, dass in Joshua ein Sub steckt, der bereit ist, eine Welt zu erkunden, die er sich nie vorgestellt hat. Er hätte nur nie erwartet, dass Joshua den ersten Schritt machen würde, bis eine unerwartete Frage über Middles zu einem überraschenden ersten Date führt. Jetzt ist der Weg zu mehr zwischen den beiden Männern frei, aber Tuner weiß, dass es mehr braucht als Milchshakes und Küsse, um Joshuas Vertrauen zu gewinnen.

Bugs. Well, beetles, but it doesn’t matter because they keep disappearing. Poof. Insects, bugs, or just creepy crawlies, Paxton doesn’t care what they’re called because they’re the most fascinating creatures he’s ever seen, and as an entomologist, that’s saying a lot. But since he’s currently in the most frustrating town he’s ever seen, there might be a connection.
Bugs. Fraser is fascinated by the adorable bug doctor who’s running around town digging in the dirt and playing with bugs. He also agrees with the rest of the nuts in town that Paxton has to be a little. But there’s one big question on everyone’s mind. Does Paxton know he’s not as vanilla as he seems to think he is?
When the bugs are vanishing and the locals are perplexing, falling in love just might be the easiest part of Paxton’s magical discoveries.

Mates. As a human, Alick’s never been jealous of flying or magic, but mates…well, that’s worth a bit of envy and a dash of bad decisions. But with magic in the air and a mate who might be under a compulsion, all he can do is pray to the ancestors that they haven’t killed his potential mate…or worse.
Troublemakers. Grady’s always known his mate is out there somewhere waiting for him, but what he never expected is to be put under a compulsion or to find his mate in the strangest town he’s ever been to. But with the magic of mates and an adorable little who needs a Daddy and a bit of confidence, anything is possible.
If a spell can find wallets, keys, and phones, surely it can find where Alick’s mate has wandered off to, right?

“But I’m a princess boy because being a prince would be very boring. They just wear suits and look bored until they find their princesses. I’d rather be the princess. They have more fun and they wear pretty clothes. Littles should always have sparkly clothes.” – Addison
Addison knows princess littles are the best kind of littles but sometimes people don’t always understand. He’s a tiny bit worried his wonderful delivery man won’t understand but not enough to keep him from asking out the amazing man who brings him cookie dough and pizza.
Anyone who brings treats and smiles so big has to be the perfect Daddy, right?
Tate knows there’s no one in the world like the sunshiny cutie with a sweet tooth and a passion for silly games, but he doesn’t realize just how special Addison is until the charming man asks him out on a date…and about his views on Daddies and princess littles.
Sometimes finding Mr. Right is a struggle, but sometimes fate delivers him along with the best cookies a little ever had.
Daddy’s Little Sunshine was originally a novella in the Dirty Daddies Pride 2023 Anthology. It has been expanded by 40,000 words for this release.

No. It means nothing. I’m just curious. It’s certainly not worth blowing up my life over, no matter what the crazy man thinks. Watching the pups is fun. A pastime. They’re cute. I’m not imagining having a tail. I don’t need a Handler. There’s no way I want to curl up on Leif.
There’s no way he’d let me, right?
Wow. He wants to what? He wants me to do what? Well, friends help friends. That’s what best friends and roommates are for. The pups are cute. He’s cute. He’s nuts but I can see why he’d like a tail. But with me? There’s no way he’d want me to do that. Does he realize what would happen if we did?
Just because I like control doesn’t mean I’d like that…right?
Love and tails are in the air when two Peeping Toms get more than they bargained for…friends at Leashes & Lace and a new way to see what was there all along.

Rohan can’t quite decide if letting his friend Conner play matchmaker is the smartest thing he’s ever done or the stupidest. As an asexual Dom who’s never quite found Mr. Right, after a string of misses, even he’s starting to admit it might be time to let the crazy owner of Bound & Controlled steer the show.
Dayton knows he shouldn’t trust Conner when he has that look on his face, but when the wicked sub promises him Mr. Right, common sense goes right out the window. But with most Doms at the club being too scared of hurting him to let him submit, he’s crossing his fingers and hoping that love and domination are finally in the air.
Sometimes finding Mr. Right is easy and sometimes he’s wrapped in an unconventional package…but love will always find a way.
Dayton has some physical limitations that impact the type of play he can participate in but there is no trauma in his background. This is a standalone novel that starts at the Bound & Controlled club, and some fun past characters make an appearance in the story (The Accidental Master series/M.A. Innes). You do not need to have read any other stories to enjoy this one.

Can’t get enough Rohan and Dayton? Get access to my Free Bonus Library to read a bonus chapter from An Atypical Love.
The bonus short for An Atypical Love has chapters from Cooper’s POV as well as Sawyer’s and Dayton’s. I hope you have fun with these three cuties.

A volte bisogna solo inseguire quello che si vuole… anche se ciò significa sottomettersi.
Asa ha sempre saputo di volere un Master da servire e amare… ma trovare qualcuno di cui fidarsi si è rivelato il suo più grande ostacolo. Non fa che chiedersi perché mai nessuno abbia più pazienza… fino a quando non vede l’uomo dall’altra parte della stanza al club Bound & Controlled. All’improvviso tutto ciò che deve sapere è la sua identità, affascinato da quel viso dall’aria familiare e lo sguardo irresistibile.
Quando un ritorno dal passato appare nel posto più inaspettato, Stuart sa che deve prendere diverse decisioni. Asa ha sempre visto le cose in modo un po’ diverso, e lui non riesce a immaginare di lasciarlo da solo a capire come funzioni il club o quel loro stile di vita. Ma è davvero il tipo giusto per quel dolce ragazzo dal passato travagliato?
A volte ci vogliono due anime leggermente spezzate per formare un amore perfetto.

Per anni, mantenere un tetto sopra la testa della sua famiglia è stato l’unico obiettivo di Landon. Del resto impegnarsi tanto e svolgere diversi lavori contemporaneamente è ciò che ha tenuto tutti loro a galla, ma questo non gli ha lasciato molto tempo per scrutare dentro di sé alla ricerca di ciò che desidera o per costruirsi una vita sociale. Però, adesso che le finanze sono al sicuro e lui può finalmente avere una propria routine si chiede una cosa… E ora?
Così serio, il corpo ricoperto di tatuaggi e impreziosito da piccoli gioielli in posti allettanti, non ha ancora chiaro in mente ciò che desidera, non sa nemmeno se è un sub o meno… Eppure qualcosa di lui attira Porter.
Porter, il cui mondo è precipitato in un limbo dopo la vendita della sua attività tanto da non essere più certo di cosa desiderare per il futuro. D’altronde dedicarsi all’azienda è stato sempre il suo unico obiettivo. E adesso, che tutto ciò che gli è rimasto è una vita vuota e troppo tempo a disposizione, si chiede una cosa… E ora?
Nel momento in cui due uomini si trovano a un bivio forse può essere naturale per loro unirsi per scoprire finalmente cosa siano veramente destinati a trovare nella vita…

Es war Zufall, dass Jackson seine Jungs fand, doch alles, was darauf folgte, war seine freie Entscheidung. Nach einigen Wochen, in denen Jackson seine „Welpen“ kennenlernen konnte, kann er sich bereits eine Zukunft mit Sawyer und Cooper vorstellen. Er muss ihnen nur irgendwie beibringen, dass er ihr „Master aus freien Stücken“ ist und nichts seine Entscheidung ändern wird.
Cooper und Sawyer hatten so lange davon geträumt ihren „Master Right“ zu finden, doch als Jackson ein Teil ihres Lebens wird, weiß keiner der beiden so recht, wie Familie mit ihm zusammen aussehen soll. Doch eines ist klar, dass dies genau die Familie sein soll, die sie gewählt haben.

Ein Versehen verändert Jacksons Leben von Grund auf.
Als Jacksons Schwester versehentlich eine Werbung für ein Puppy Play Buch postet, statt der Annonce für Jacksons Hundeschule, quillt Jacksons E-mail Postfach über mit den interessantesten E-mails, die er je gelesen hat. Puppy Play als Fetisch war ihm bis dahin völlig fremd und in dieser Flut an kinky Nachrichten sticht ihm eine mehr ins Auge als alle anderen.
Cooper und Sawyer sind sicher, dass sie eher im Lotto gewinnen als den Mann ihrer Träume zu finden. Denn verantwortungsvolle, zärtliche und gleichzeitig dominante Master, die an Puppy Play interessiert sind, fallen nicht täglich vom Himmel. Als sie die Annonce von Jackson im Internet finden, können sie ihr Glück gar nicht fassen. Doch – was passiert, wenn sich das Missverständnis aufklärt? Und wenn Jackson nicht an zwei menschlichen “Welpen” interessiert ist?

College was supposed to be about figuring out careers and goals, not what turned you on in the bedroom.
When a class project pushes a confused Adrian in an interesting new direction, he’s not sure what to do. His focus in college has always been on grades, but he doesn’t know if he’s ready to do what it takes to get an A in his Human Sexuality course.
Watching Adrian stumble into the world of puppy play and kink shouldn’t interest Owen as much as it does. The fact that they don’t really know each other doesn’t matter, not when they’re technically too close to even think about one another that way. But something won’t let Owen walk away from a floundering Adrian.
When an embarrassing situation meets a sarcastic remark, sparks fly in the most unusual way.

Aww. I had the best Owner ever. Now I just had to make sure he knew I belonged to him and wasn’t on loan like some kind of library book. – Emerson
Bouncing through life, the only things Emerson knows for sure are that he has the best job ever and one day he’s going to meet the Dom of his dreams. Working at Leashes & Lace has given him a fascinating job and wonderful friends, and now it’s given him Luca…the corset designer who is meant to own him.
Hiding from everything he knows he shouldn’t want, Luca has spent a lifetime building up his business and fighting against his fantasies. Funneling his passion into his work, Luca’s become one of the most sought-after designers in the country and a desperately lonely Dom…until a mesmerizing model sweeps into his life and past every defense.
Sparks and corsets fly when a wickedly sweet doll meets the Owner of his dreams, but even with his stubbornly sexy Owner dragging his feet every step of the way, Emerson knows fairy-tale romances like this always end with happily ever after.

Payton’s finally found a job that he loves, coworkers who aren’t bad-crazy, and space from his family…so taking a chance on anything that might mess with his newfound order is out of the question.
Keeping the status quo going is his primary goal in life and not even the handsome baker with the crazy family is going to change his mind. Well, hopefully, because the baker down the street is sweet, built, and naughtier than Payton could ever imagine.
Benjamin Xavier Becker—aka the baker’s son—realized young that the only way to keep his sanity was to set firm boundaries with his family and not tell them anything about his personal life.
Everything from the name he actually prefers to his passion for being a Handler is off-limits to his crazy parents, but he’s come to realize he should’ve set the bar higher. Sanity isn’t enough any longer. He’s just not sure how to change that until a cautious man with a blush on his cheeks and a wag in his step comes into his life and gives him the push he’s been waiting for.
Sometimes strength comes from within and sometimes it comes from the most unexpected places.

Now what? Dr. Miles Sheppard has been focusing one goal for so long nothing else mattered, including his personal life. Unfortunately, now that he’s crossed the finish line, he’s lost. Gaining his doctorate should have been the hard part of his career, but figuring out what to do next might drive him crazy.
Now what? Sean’s been watching the sexy doctor for months. But when the quiet cutie dozes off in the middle of the crowded bar, it might be time to step in and actually talk to him. Sean’s not shy, but he knows he’s not the most traditional man. It will take more than a sweet temperament and an understanding smile to accept the unconventional relationship Sean is looking for.
When an exhausted doctor meets a bartender who’s more than meets the eye, they’re set for a match made in heaven…as long as heaven includes binkies and bedtime stories.

Zac has a secret…and he’s worried about what his husband would think.
When you’ve been married for years, you aren’t supposed to pop up with a new and interesting kink. At least, that’s what Zac keeps telling himself. His husband Hunter is sweet, loving, and understanding, but he hadn’t signed up for anything like what Zac wants to explore.
Zac has a secret…but Hunter isn’t worried…just confused.
Zac is a constant source of surprise and humor for Hunter. But he’s been acting even more interesting than usual, and Hunter has a feeling it’s time to see what his sexy husband is up to. When he begins to understand what Zac is holding back, Hunter has a decision to make.
Two loving men. One big question about what really matters when you’re in love.

When getting unexpectedly sold in a charity auction is the most interesting thing that’s happened lately, Gray knows something has to change. Unfortunately, he first has to figure out why he’s been purchased and if the crayons around the cutie’s house and ABC chicken nuggets he’s served for dinner have anything to do with it.
Camden’s pretty sure he didn’t order the attractive, slightly frustrated man online, but with him standing on his front porch and glaring so strikingly, he can’t rule it out. He knows he’s slightly disorganized and easily distracted, but he would remember ordering Gray to be delivered, right?
When two meddling family members butt in where they don’t belong, a new Daddy and a sweet little with a passion for junk food and crayons might find true love…but they’re still hoping to drop a house or two on some meddling busybodies.
This is a standalone age play romance. However, Gray was originally a side character that showed up in Lane, book three of the Leashes & Lace series. You do not need to have read that series to enjoy this book.
Daddy’s Little Artist is part of Daddies for Dollars multi-author series, where every book features a swoon-worthy Daddy, a boy he adores, and a happily ever after helped along by a fundraiser event. Brought to you by six popular M/M authors, each book stands alone, but with so many delicious Daddy pairings to choose from, why not read them all?

When Joseph gets trapped with his father’s former coworker in one of the worst snowstorms of the year, he starts to wonder what ancient god he must’ve pissed off. After being kicked out of the house at eighteen and having to make his way on his own, the last thing he wants is to be stuck with the sexy older man.
Forest isn’t looking for a relationship, but when Joseph steps back into his life, grown up and hurting, he can’t walk away. Maybe it’s the Daddy Dom in him, but leaving Joseph confused and angry goes against everything he believes in. But getting Joseph to open up is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to helping him move on from the past.
When a boy is frustrated and confused, can a temporary Daddy step in and help, or will unexpected emotions steer things in a surprising new direction?
This book was previously titled Snow Regrets as part of the Valentine’s Inc series. No major modifications were made to the story.

Ruslan knows that the best student organization on campus is the Mac-n-Cheese Club…and that’s not just because he’s the professor in charge of it. He’s also a little and an expert in mac-n-cheese. But as the holidays approach, he’s found another reason to love the club…his new Secret Santa.
Dante knows that the best student organization on campus is the Mac-n-Cheese Club because it’s led him to the most adorable little ever…and the most clueless. So when flirting isn’t helpful in the slightest, he knows it’s time to bring in the heavy hitter…Santa.
When a rigged game of Secret Santa helps a little open his eyes, it’ll take mac-n-cheese and a little romance to bring a stubborn cutie out of his shell.
Warning: This story has so much mac-n-cheese in it you probably should stock up before reading it.
This holiday season is full of secrets. Secret Daddies, that is. Follow three of your favorite MM authors as they bring you tales of kisses, cuddles, and holiday cheer. Each Secret Santa Daddy book is a standalone and can be read in any order.

Ryland was perfectly happy with his head buried in the sand.
Ryland was convinced that there had to be something better than racing toward adulthood. He just wasn’t sure what it was. Between the decisions about college majors and careers, and never-ending responsibilities, all he wanted to do was let it all go and just unwind. Unfortunately, everyone else’s idea of fun was more stressful than relaxing.
Holden never expected to find the sub of his dreams at the grocery store.
Overhearing the voice on the next aisle talking about how much fun baby biscuits and kiddie snacks were was the last thing Holden expected to happen at the grocery store. But it was music to his ears. Except, the sexy voice didn’t seem to understand what his preferences might actually mean.
As Ryland discovers that growing older doesn’t have to mean growing up, Holden wants to be the Daddy who gets to show him how perfect being little can be.

Eric’s grown more confident. He has to admit that.
With Marcus’s love and support, he’s stronger than ever, but it’s not enough. His daddy’s given him the ability to go after what he wants, but there’s so much more that feels just out of reach. Eric doesn’t want part of the lifestyle or some of the submission…he wants everything.
For Marcus, there’s nothing more beautiful than watching his boy’s confidence grow.
Marcus loves every step that Eric has taken on his journey, but he doesn’t want to push his boy too far, too fast. And when the only part of Marcus’s future that’s clear is Eric by his side, it’s not fair to his boy to rush things. A daddy should be able to provide for his boy. A looming retirement and a questionable future aren’t enough. Not when he wants to give his boy everything.
When it comes to their relationship, Eric is ready to jump in headfirst. But how does Eric show his daddy that everything doesn’t have to be planned out to be perfect?

Eric knows what he needs…he just doesn’t think anyone else will want it too.
He’s finally reached his breaking point. There’s only so many times he can put himself out there and get shot down. After a disastrous first date at a BDSM club, Eric is ready to walk away and push his desires to the furthest reaches of his mind—but then up walks Marcus. But just because the sexy older man is looking for a submissive doesn’t mean he’s looking to be someone’s daddy.
Marcus knows what he wants, and he’s spent months getting everything perfect for his boy…now he just needs to find him.
When Marcus sees Eric at Bound & Controlled, he’s immediately drawn to the sweet submissive who’s desperately trying to hide his devastation. Marcus steps in when he sees the sub’s evening going wrong, but he’s not sure what the shy submissive is looking for. Just because he wants the boy to need a daddy doesn’t mean he’s going to get what he hopes for.
As they discover their mutual desires, Marcus is sure that Eric has the strength to go after what he yearns for; he just needs his daddy’s help and love to see it.

Magic. As a librarian, Stefan knows there’s magic in books and imagination, but it isn’t until he moves to the mountains of North Carolina that he realizes people can come with magic too…well, the locals at least seem to come with magic…and fascinating relationship dynamics he thought were just on TV and in books.
Dragons. Somehow, the council gave Boyd the job of telling the new librarian that dragons and mages are real. He’s not sure who he pissed off to be the one to scare the adorable librarian into leaving town, but he’s not happy about it. A man as sweet and shy as the town’s new librarian can’t have any idea about what the locals are hiding or what kind of thoughts Boyd has been having about him, can he?
When people aren’t as innocent or grumpy as they seem, a curious librarian and a slightly grumpy dragon will learn that love is even stronger when there’s a bit of magic involved.

Aliens. Deputy Talon Winslow is pretty sure he’s protecting aliens, but he’s starting to get the hang of it…aside from a few interesting issues that keep popping up, like an armored truck going missing. His new job pays too well to be as simple as it looks, but he hadn’t expected glowing eyes and adorable littles who almost sparkle they’re so fascinating. But if aliens come in cute and kinky, does it really matter they’re not human?
Dragons. Kenzie can’t quite decide if the new deputy he’s planning on keeping knows about dragons and mages or not. However, it doesn’t take him long to decide it isn’t the most important question when dating the handsome, slightly puzzling human. When will he get to call him Daddy and if the deputy knows Kenzie is keeping him are much better questions.
When a small mountain town isn’t as boring as it seems, a slightly confused human and a dragon with a toy hoard will learn that there’s always a bit of magic involved when falling in love.
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