Daddy Loves Confidence Now Available!

If you didn’t get a chance to grab Daddy Loves Confidence when it was in the Dirty Daddies 2022 Anniversary Anthology, it’s now live on Amazon. If you already purchased it, nothing has changed. If you read it in KU the first time and want to do a reread because they’re so cute together, feel free to grab the standalone version and read it in KU.

I love the way they start their relationship long distance and how nervous they both are when they finally meet in person. Arthur is a Daddy with a dry sense of humor and Joseph is a cute little with a passion for cereal.

Have fun with these two, and if you loved it the first time, it would be really helpful if you reviewed the standalone book on Amazon. Thank you for all your kind words about these two and to my group for helping me come up with some of Arthur’s background.

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Daddy Loves Confidence by MA Innes - Gay Romance Book Cover

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