Switch, at least early 30s or older. Similar looks to Ford. Tattooed wings on pecs. He is an accounting professor at the State University college. Rides a motorcycle. Took him yrs to see Cody as an adult & not the 14yo in his class he started.

Embracing Love
With a boyfriend and a Daddy who get along and both love him to pieces, whether they’ve said the words or not, Cody knows asking for more would be selfish. But when all he wants is for them to love each other as much as he loves them, is being selfish really bad?
Jameson knows that loving Cody means accepting Ford’s presence in Cody’s life as well. But what he isn’t expecting are his growing feelings for Ford. Jameson doesn’t want a Daddy, but would a friend who understands Cody be a bad thing? And what if it grows into something more?
Ford never thought that he’d find someone to love and take care of, much less two men who are starting to touch his heart in such different ways. As he looks at Cody and Jameson, he can see the family he’s longed for finally within his reach. But two men dating the same person is far different than falling in love with each other, and what if it’s more than Jameson can handle?
When two men come together in friendship around a third, is falling in love that big of a leap?
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- 1660232694
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Can’t get enough of Jameson, Ford, and Cody? Get access to my Bonus Library to read the Embracing Friendship short.
Three might make the perfect family, but friendship fills a special need in everyone’s life…especially a little like Cody.
What’s the best way to cement new friendships? A barbecue, of course. What’s the best place to have a barbecue? A backyard with swings and a fort, of course. What’s the best way to breakdown barriers? Water guns and dessert, of course.
This short takes place after the ending of Embracing Love and before the playdate that takes place in Friends Lovers and Family. Sometimes I’ve referred to this as the barbecue short.
Embracing Faith
Two’s company and three’s a crowd, right? Not when you’ve got a genius who knows that sometimes it takes more than two people to make a family.
Cody’s been waiting years for his sexy former professor to take the leap and ask him out. Unfortunately, Cody’s youthful looks and the fact that Jameson has known him since he was fourteen aren’t helping the situation any. When the precocious student finally decides that the slightly reluctant Jameson needs a little push to move him in the right direction, Cody knows just what to do—follow his curiosity.
When Ford is introduced to Cody at Bound & Controlled, he’s interested but a little wary. Just because the funny little thing says he’s looking for a Daddy doesn’t mean Ford is the one for him. Guys are usually hesitant when it comes to getting close to an asexual Daddy Dom. But the unpredictable Cody seems to think that’s the perfect combination.
A little patience and a bit of research has helped Cody find his Mr. Rights. He’s just not sure what it will take to get his nervous professor and his loving Daddy to see that all they really need is each other.
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- 1660228832
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