Submissive Pup. Small twink build, Works at a coffee shop. Started college business classes (at State University) Extremely outgoing, energetic, optimistic. Pup name Maverick, given by Jackson for the way he leaps into life.

Master aus freien Stücken
Es war Zufall, dass Jackson seine Jungs fand, doch alles, was darauf folgte, war seine freie Entscheidung. Nach einigen Wochen, in denen Jackson seine „Welpen“ kennenlernen konnte, kann er sich bereits eine Zukunft mit Sawyer und Cooper vorstellen. Er muss ihnen nur irgendwie beibringen, dass er ihr „Master aus freien Stücken“ ist und nichts seine Entscheidung ändern wird.
Cooper und Sawyer hatten so lange davon geträumt ihren „Master Right“ zu finden, doch als Jackson ein Teil ihres Lebens wird, weiß keiner der beiden so recht, wie Familie mit ihm zusammen aussehen soll. Doch eines ist klar, dass dies genau die Familie sein soll, die sie gewählt haben.
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- B093T1CJFR
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Master aus Versehen
Ein Versehen verändert Jacksons Leben von Grund auf.
Als Jacksons Schwester versehentlich eine Werbung für ein Puppy Play Buch postet, statt der Annonce für Jacksons Hundeschule, quillt Jacksons E-mail Postfach über mit den interessantesten E-mails, die er je gelesen hat. Puppy Play als Fetisch war ihm bis dahin völlig fremd und in dieser Flut an kinky Nachrichten sticht ihm eine mehr ins Auge als alle anderen.
Cooper und Sawyer sind sicher, dass sie eher im Lotto gewinnen als den Mann ihrer Träume zu finden. Denn verantwortungsvolle, zärtliche und gleichzeitig dominante Master, die an Puppy Play interessiert sind, fallen nicht täglich vom Himmel. Als sie die Annonce von Jackson im Internet finden, können sie ihr Glück gar nicht fassen. Doch – was passiert, wenn sich das Missverständnis aufklärt? Und wenn Jackson nicht an zwei menschlichen “Welpen” interessiert ist?
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Available Formats:
- B07QMNZL42
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The Accidental Master Series Audiobook Bundle
When a mishap completely turns Jackson’s life upside down, he has two options: Ignore the sweet email from the two subs looking for a master or take a leap of faith and see where it will lead them. Luckily for pups Sawyer and Cooper, Jackson takes that leap and discovers that love sometimes comes in unexpected packages.
Author's Note:This boxed set contains the prequel to the series, the three main books in the series, and Family in Love, a bonus short where they take their first vacation as a family.
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Acts of Intimacy:
Master by Fate
Going from exchanging emails to moving in together happened in the blink of an eye, but Jackson wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Getting to know the quirks and needs of each of his boys has been fascinating and endlessly amusing. With Sawyer’s quiet desire and Cooper’s erotic fantasies, Jackson knows they were meant to be his.
Sawyer and Cooper know more than anyone that life can change in a second, but every moment they spend with Jackson makes them more confident they’d met Master Right. They’d finally found the man who made their family complete.
When a family grows from two to three, there’s bound to be a learning curve, but it’s how they handle those bumps and turns that matter most. Facing the challenges together, their love can overcome anything.
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Available Formats:
- B07FZ75L8R
- 1724095307
Acts of Intimacy:
Can’t get enough of these three?
Get access to my Bonus Library to read the Family in Love bonus in which the triad take their first vacation as a family..
Master by Choice
Jackson found his boys by accident, but taking the steps to understand what they need has been a deliberate decision. Only weeks into getting to know his pups, Jackson can already picture a future with Sawyer and Cooper. He just needs to show them that no matter what the obstacle, he’s their master by choice and nothing will change that.
Cooper and Sawyer made a family together when everyone else turned their backs on them. Daydreaming about the day they’d find Master Right helped to fill the empty place in their family. As Jackson starts to merge into their life, none of the men know exactly how it will look. The only thing they’re sure of is that sometimes the best family isn’t the one you’re born with, but the one you choose.
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Available Formats:
- B07C572C2P
Spoilers or Triggers:
Acts of Intimacy:
The Accidental Master
One accident has turned Jackson’s life completely upside down.
When Jackson’s sister inadvertently posts an ad for a puppy play book instead of his dog training business, his inbox explodes with the most interesting emails he’s ever seen. In a sea of kink that he’s never even considered, one sweet letter stands out. It’s polite and earnest, and something about the two men’s words touches him in a way he never expected…but they’re not just looking for a lover…they’re looking for a master.
If finding a master for one pup was hard, finding a master who wanted two was almost impossible.
Cooper and Sawyer know that they have a better chance of winning the lottery than meeting the man of their dreams. Mature, sweet, dominant masters don’t just drop out of the sky…and when they add in the fact that they’re looking for a man who will love them both, the odds are astronomical. When they see Jackson’s ad online, Cooper couldn’t be more excited. He’s confident that the mysterious man who hints at being a master will be perfect for them. Sawyer, on the other hand, isn’t so sure that everything will go the way Cooper imagines, but saying no to Cooper is like stopping an excitable, well-meaning train.
However, when Jackson actually responds to their email, suddenly the impossible seems to be right within their grasp. Sparks and laughter fly as Cooper and Sawyer get to know the man who just might become their accidental master.
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Available Formats:
- 1724059920
Acts of Intimacy:
Family By Fate
All Sawyer really wants for Christmas is to be able to provide a better home for Cooper. A run-down roach motel isn’t where he wants his bubbly, always-looking-on-the-bright-side boyfriend to live. But instead, he has to settle for surprising Cooper with a second-hand present tucked under their sad Christmas sticks trying to pass for trees.
Cooper can’t imagine a more incredible Christmas. He has wonderful presents for Sawyer and an even better surprise he knows will have Sawyer bouncing around their cute little Christmas trees. With all the adventures they’ve had over the past year, Cooper knows that next year will be even better. He just needs to make sure Sawyer can see the perfection that’s just around the corner.
Author's Note:This is a short stand-alone prequel to The Accidental Master series. The story takes place several years before Sawyer and Cooper meet their sexy, sweet master. I hope you enjoy their first Christmas as a family.
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Available Formats:
- B07KYY831N
- 1661821758
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Something About Loren
Sometimes it takes a loved one to point out the obvious before we see it.
Loren knows he isn’t the most grown-up adult out there—though anyone who makes educational video games for kids can’t be too boring. Most guys he’s dated haven’t understood, but Gordon does. Loren’s loving boyfriend makes him feel special and cared for…but lately something’s changed.
Maybe leaving out crayons and buying dinosaur chicken nuggets wasn’t the best way to get Loren’s attention, but it worked.
Gordon knows Loren didn’t have the most emotionally supportive childhood, but the smart, funny man has grown into an excitable, loving boyfriend. However, when Gordon connects the dots and realizes there’s more to Loren’s desire to be young at heart than meets the eye, he knows it’s time to show Loren that sometimes being a grown-up means embracing your little side.
Author's Note:This story started out as a novella in the Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology. It has been extended into a full-length novel with an additional 49k words added to the story. If you read the original novella and want to skip directly to the new portion, jump to chapter 11.
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Available Formats:
- B08SBG27N1
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Acts of Intimacy:
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