• Wesley – Now Available on Audible!

    My dramatic cuties are back. Wesley’s audiobook is now live and I can’t wait for you to hear how sweet he is in audiobook. These guys are all so much fun to go back and visit, but his story is one of my favorites because of how much he had to overcome to get his happily ever after. It was going back and working on finishing the audiobooks for this series that pushed me to write Bishop’s story (Our Love) and eventually Emerson’s (Owners & Dolls). Just looking through the books and making plans got Bishop finally starting to chat and made it easier to figure out what he needed to make him happy. I’m still working on plans for […]

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  • Spencer on Audiobook!

    Spencer and Wesley One cutie is here and the last one will be here soon. Audiobook releases are so hard because we basically have no control over when they come out. But I’m excited to tell you that Spencer’s audiobook is live and Wesley’s audiobook is being recorded now. Hearing the last of the Leashes & Lace books is bitter sweet, but I’m so excited to have the audiobooks for this series almost done. Spencer’s awkwardness and Wesley’s growing confidence were meant for audio, and I can’t wait to share them with you. Have fun with my cuties. Listen on Audible US Buy on Amazon US Buy on Amazon UK

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  • Leashes and Lace August Sale!

    I’m celebrating the upcoming release of Our Love (Bishop’s books) with a sale on the boxed sets of the Leashes & Lace books. There’s a lot of crossover and fun cameos from those guys, so I thought this was the best way to make sure you got to read them before the boxed set of Bishop’s books comes out on September 9th. The Leashes and Lace boxed sets have all the individual books and the bonus chapters that are in The Models novella. From August 11th through the 17th, each boxed set will be $2.99 and that includes the bonus chapters. Boxed Set: Books 1-3 Boxed Set: Books 4-6

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  • Why Sexy Men in Lace? Leashes and Lace Box Sets are HERE

    Why sexy men in lace? Tumblr, of course. I’ll admit to being so social media inept that I had to have a friend help me set up Tumblr, and since she helped me find some sweet, sexy men in lace, I will forever be grateful. A lot of the inspiration for the Leashes & Lace series came from one guy who shared a lot of different styles of pictures and sides of himself. There were some sweet, some sexy, but there was always something beautiful about them. So the sweet side came out in subs like Wesley, and the sassy, confident sides came out in subs like Eli. I no longer have my original inspiration images or links but check […]

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  • Sweet, Sexy, and…Lace! Wesley coming March 13th!

    March is going to be jam-packed with cute subs and tender Doms. To start with, the next book in the Leashes & Lace series, Wesley, will be out this Friday. Wesley spent his teenage years suffering from agoraphobia and depression, but he hasn’t let that stop him. Now that he’s conquered everything that’s held him back, what he wants most of all is to be a full model at Leashes & Lace, but that’s not as easy as he hoped it would be. His first photo shoot ends up being right in the middle of Eli and Roman’s insanity, and his nerves just can’t take the crazy. But then comes the calm and sexy photographer Tyler… Tyler is the photographer […]

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  • Are you ready for The UPS guy?

    One of the side characters I’ve gotten a ton of questions about is my cute, awkward UPS guy. He’s showed up in several books, most notably when he’s driving Eli crazy. Let’s just say the UPS man was very curious about what was going on at Leashes & Lace. Well, UPS guy now has a name and even a story. Spencer (my UPS guy) is uncoordinated, confused, and so loveable you just want to wrap him up. His book is the fifth in the Leashes & Lace series and will be out on Friday, November 15. The only man patient and loving enough for Spencer was Devin, Roman’s cousin from the LGBT youth center, so in this book you not […]

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