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Acts of Intimacy:

Daniel pensava che Easton fosse dolce, sexy e che nascondesse qualcosa. Non sapeva cosa, però. Dopo nove mesi di appuntamenti, era pronto a portare le cose al livello successivo, ma l’evasività di Easton rappresentava un ostacolo tra di loro.
Easton aveva un segreto. Non avrebbe voluto che il loro rapporto arrivasse così lontano senza averlo confessato a Daniel, ma temeva che ormai fosse troppo tardi. Come poteva essersi innamorato di qualcuno senza averglielo detto? Easton sapeva che Daniel non lo avrebbe ferito di proposito, ma non era sicuro della sua reazione quando avrebbe scoperto cosa stava nascondendo.
Non tutti potevano capire e accettare che il loro fidanzato aveva un debole per il raso e il pizzo.

Pouts and Pancakes is a short glimpse at the Blue Ridge Magic series and a new world full of Daddies, Doms, subs, and littles. Each book will be about a new couple, but you’ll continue to get glimpses of the previous couples as the series goes on.

All Sawyer really wants for Christmas is to be able to provide a better home for Cooper. A run-down roach motel isn’t where he wants his bubbly, always-looking-on-the-bright-side boyfriend to live. But instead, he has to settle for surprising Cooper with a second-hand present tucked under their sad Christmas sticks trying to pass for trees.
Cooper can’t imagine a more incredible Christmas. He has wonderful presents for Sawyer and an even better surprise he knows will have Sawyer bouncing around their cute little Christmas trees. With all the adventures they’ve had over the past year, Cooper knows that next year will be even better. He just needs to make sure Sawyer can see the perfection that’s just around the corner.
This is a short stand-alone prequel to The Accidental Master series. The story takes place several years before Sawyer and Cooper meet their sexy, sweet master. I hope you enjoy their first Christmas as a family.

What happens when you combine best friends, alcohol, and sexual frustrations? A revolution.
When six close friends get together to relax and unwind, talk inevitably turns to romance and dating, especially when what they all want is taboo. Omegas are supposed to want equality, not submission and kinky sex. Society has spent the last two hundred years building omegas up to be pillars of the community, but these six men are ready to do whatever it takes to get what they want—the dominant alphas of their dreams.
The Revolution is a short prequel introducing you to the characters in the Romance & Revolutions series. It is not designed to be a standalone book.

Daniel thought Easton was sweet, sexy—and hiding something. He just wasn’t sure what. After nine months of dating, Daniel was ready to take things to the next level, but Easton’s evasiveness was standing between them.
Easton had a secret. He hadn’t meant for their relationship to get that far without telling Daniel, but he was afraid it was too late. How could he have fallen for someone without telling them? Easton knew that Daniel wouldn’t deliberately hurt him, but he wasn’t sure how Daniel would react when he found out what Easton had been hiding.
Not every man could understand that their boyfriend had a thing for satin and lace.
Easton is a 13k-word prequel standalone novelette to introduce the Leashes and Lace series.
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