Series Name:
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- 979-8858063858
Series Name:
Date Published:
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- 8854908592
- 978-8854908598
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- 978-8854907157
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- 8854905941
- 978-8854905948
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- B0945QQ9YT
- 8854904597
- 978-8854904590
Series Name:
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- B08QG8R8BP
- 8854903817
- 978-8854903814
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B083XF6W1H
- 8854902322
- 978-8854902329
Character Types:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- 1707285330
- 978-1707285334
Spoilers or Triggers:
Character Types:
Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B06ZZ96GHM
- 1980373477
- 978-1980373476
Spoilers or Triggers:
Character Types:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- 1696106907
- 978-1696106900
Shared Book Locations:
Spoilers or Triggers:
Acts of Intimacy:
Character Types:
Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- 1687229600
- 978-1687229601
Shared Book Locations:
Spoilers or Triggers:
Terms of Endearments:
Acts of Intimacy:
- Aftecare
- Age Play : Bath Time
- Age Play: Corner Time Punishment
- Anal Rimming
- Bareback Sex
- BDSM First Times
- Blow Job
- Cock Cage
- Cock Ring
- Collars
- Come Marking/Coming on Partner
- Coming in Clothes
- Discussions of Consent/Boundaries/Kink
- Frottage
- Hand Feeding
- Handjob
- Kneeling
- Safe Sex
- Sexual First Times
- Spanking for Funishment
- Subspace
Character Types:
Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B07KF64NST
- 1076137156
- 978-1076137159
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Terms of Endearments:
Acts of Intimacy:
Character Types:
Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- 1723933945
- 978-1723933943
Shared Book Locations:
Terms of Endearments:
Acts of Intimacy:
- Age Play - with ABDL
- Age Play : Bath Time
- Age Play: Diaper Use (Wetting)
- Age Play: Diaper Wearing
- Age Play: Pacifier
- Anal Toys
- BDSM First Times
- Exhibitionism
- Fantasy Sharing
- Handjob
- Mention of Puppy Play
- Nipple Play
- Orgasm Control
- Physical Teasing
- Safe Sex
- Sex in Little Space
- Showering Together
- Spanking for Funishment
- Verbal Teasing
Character Types:
Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B07889WK5C
- 1723932965
- 978-1723932960
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Acts of Intimacy:
Character Types:
Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B07848FCNH
- 1723931942
- 978-1723931949
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Acts of Intimacy:
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Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
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Terms of Endearments:
Acts of Intimacy:
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Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- 979-8568555902
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- B07TMP1Q4L
- 979-8565985283
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- B08XZQ28PD
- 979-8354031528
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- 979-8352563953
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Acts of Intimacy:
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Available Formats:
- B0B86GD72F
- 979-8351869629
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- B088CY1DZ9
- 979-8356469930
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Acts of Intimacy:
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- B0866DCPCD
- 979-8356470653
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Acts of Intimacy:
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Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B076CKG4HV
- 1724020811
- 978-1724020819
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Heat Levels:
Angst Levels:
Series Name:
Date Published:
Available Formats:
- B073P87K4Y
- 1724020382
- 978-1724020383
Shared Book Locations:
Terms of Endearments:
Acts of Intimacy:

Per anni, mantenere un tetto sopra la testa della sua famiglia è stato l’unico obiettivo di Landon. Del resto impegnarsi tanto e svolgere diversi lavori contemporaneamente è ciò che ha tenuto tutti loro a galla, ma questo non gli ha lasciato molto tempo per scrutare dentro di sé alla ricerca di ciò che desidera o per costruirsi una vita sociale. Però, adesso che le finanze sono al sicuro e lui può finalmente avere una propria routine si chiede una cosa… E ora?
Così serio, il corpo ricoperto di tatuaggi e impreziosito da piccoli gioielli in posti allettanti, non ha ancora chiaro in mente ciò che desidera, non sa nemmeno se è un sub o meno… Eppure qualcosa di lui attira Porter.
Porter, il cui mondo è precipitato in un limbo dopo la vendita della sua attività tanto da non essere più certo di cosa desiderare per il futuro. D’altronde dedicarsi all’azienda è stato sempre il suo unico obiettivo. E adesso, che tutto ciò che gli è rimasto è una vita vuota e troppo tempo a disposizione, si chiede una cosa… E ora?
Nel momento in cui due uomini si trovano a un bivio forse può essere naturale per loro unirsi per scoprire finalmente cosa siano veramente destinati a trovare nella vita…

Grant aveva trovato il suo uomo perfetto… avvolto in seta e pizzo.
Grant ha sempre amato gli uomini più femminili. Un ragazzo sexy in lingerie è proprio perfetto per lui. Ma quando assomigli più a un buttafuori che a un agente assicurativo, i bei ragazzi se la danno a gambe. Carter sembra diverso, però. Quando Carter lo ha guardato, ha visto l’uomo reale sotto i tatuaggi e i muscoli. Può riuscire a far capire a Carter che gli piaceva così com’era, o i dubbi del ragazzo li terranno separati?
Carter aveva trovato il suo uomo perfetto… dolce, sexy e della stazza di un carro armato.
A Grant non sembra importare del suo look più femminile, ma non è troppo bello per essere vero? Un brutto appuntamento dopo l’altro ha lasciato Carter intimidito. Ora ha il Signor Giusto in piedi alla sua porta. Avrà il coraggio di essere se stesso e di far entrare Grant, o le sue paure li terranno separati?

Brent si era innamorato dell’unico Dom che non poteva avere.
La leggendaria sfortuna di Brent riguardo gli uomini era incontrovertibile. Se c’era uno che voleva essere Dom nel raggio di cento miglia, lui lo avrebbe trovato. Ma nemmeno lui poteva predire cosa sarebbe accaduto.
Calen si era innamorato dell’unico sub che non poteva avere.
Calen sapeva che molti lo consideravano un Dom del tipo fai-con-loro-una-scena-e-lasciali, ma come sarebbe potuto restare con un sub che non avrebbe capito? Quando un Dom non si conforma agli stereotipi, potrà mai trovare il giusto sottomesso?

Garrett era a un punto di rottura.
Doveva esserci un limite alle volte in cui si poteva vedere qualcuno da cui si era… attratti, ma per cui certamente non si aveva una cotta. I Dom non avevano cotte. Specialmente per un cliente che con tutta probabilità non era neppure gay. Regola 101: non flirtare con un cliente.
Wyatt stava perdendo il senno.
Nascondere la propria ossessione stava diventando sempre più difficile. Tutto ciò che desiderava era inginocchiarsi di fronte a Garrett e chiamarlo Master, ma il sexy agente assicurativo sembrava non accorgersi mai di lui. Notava solo il nervoso, timido imprenditore che si recava troppo spesso in agenzia.
Quando i due uomini continuano a non vedere quello che è proprio davanti ai loro occhi, ci vuole un intervento della famiglia per evidenziare l’ovvio. Che sono fatti l’uno per l’altro.

Non si trattava di stalking.
Lane aveva fatto del suo meglio per essere nel posto giusto al momento giusto, per sbirciare il ragazzo sexy e tatuato prendere il caffè quel pomeriggio. Quel fusto, per quanto Lane volesse immaginarlo in altri modi, doveva essere etero.
Eppure, aveva uno stalker.
Wilder non era sicuro di cosa avrebbe fatto riguardo al suo ammiratore di quel pomeriggio. Quando aveva sentito per caso due uomini che parlavano di lui, avrebbe dovuto ignorarli o trovare un modo per far sapere a quel dolce e timido ragazzo che non era interessato? Perché lui era etero, giusto?
Quando un ragazzo non è timido come sembra e l’altro non è così etero come pensa, allora le cose potrebbero funzionare.

Eli sa chi è ed è stanco di nasconderlo.
Esausto e al limite della sopportazione, Eli non sa più come gestire il segreto con la sua famiglia. È arrivato al punto di perdere se stesso. Quando Elijah, l’etero e noioso uomo d’affari per i suoi, ed Eli, il blogger e il modello di lingerie per tutti gli altri, iniziano a scontrarsi, si rende conto di quanto tutto ciò stia influenzando ogni aspetto della sua vita… specialmente con Roman, il focoso fotografo che lo fa impazzire.
Roman è stanco di follia e prime donne, anche se sono sexy e gli fanno un certo effetto.
Una brutta rottura ha lasciato Roman scottato e scettico riguardo a un nuovo inizio, soprattutto con un ragazzino che si nutre di drammi. Con il conto in banca e la pazienza prosciugati, Roman si sente messo alle strette. Leashes and Lace avrebbe dovuto essere un nuovo inizio per lui, ma con Eli che si mette in mostra a ogni occasione, non sa se ha trovato un nuovo percorso di carriera o se ha preso la peggiore decisione della sua vita.
Quando non è possibile uccidersi a vicenda, c’è solo un modo per liberare tutta la passione che divampa tra loro due, ma il sesso non può risolvere tutto… o sì?

Houston sa chi è… ma la maggior parte degli uomini sembra non capire.
Un dominante a cui piace indossare mutandine e indumenti di pizzo non è ciò che la maggior parte dei sottomessi si aspetta, quando guarda Houston. I dominanti forti e robusti dovrebbero apparire minacciosi, vestiti in pelle, e non con addosso del pizzo sexy. Quando lunghi sguardi e un bizzarro incontro con il suo nuovo coinquilino gli fanno pensare che potrebbe esserci qualche interesse da parte di Reece, Houston non sa come comportarsi. Reece è etero, giusto?
Reece sa chi è… ma la maggior parte degli uomini sembra non capire.
Reece sa di essere bisessuale da tanto tempo, ma i dominanti che ha incontrato sembrano incapaci di accettarlo. Quando il suo nuovo coinquilino fa sì che il suo lato da sottomesso venga a galla e implori di essere sculacciato, non sa come comportarsi. Houston dà ordini come un dominante esperto, ma Reece correrà il rischio di mettersi in imbarazzo e di essere cacciato di casa?
Quando due uomini testardi rifiutano di riconoscere ciò che è proprio davanti ai loro occhi, potrebbe esserci bisogno di una spinta, per convincerli a vedere quella verità.

Trent and Hayden have been together for as long as they can remember.
Best friends. Boyfriends. Now lovers looking to discover a new side of their relationship, all they want is to be together and to get out of the poverty that surrounds them at every turn. Unfortunately, Trent knows that with family stacked against them and the secrets Hayden must hide, it won’t be easy. But he’ll protect Hayden with everything he has.
No matter what he has to hide from everyone else, all Hayden has ever needed was Trent’s love and acceptance—and he’s always had it. No matter how different he felt or what he confessed to Trent, Hayden has always known Trent would be right there beside him. But with wolves closing in at the door and desperation rising, he knows finishing high school and getting away might be harder than they’d ever expected.
Surrounded by anger and people who would never understand their relationship, they know college will be their safe haven, but only if they can fight the deck that seems to be stacked against them.

Can’t get enough Trent and Holden? Get access to my Bonus Library to read The Without Limits bonus chapter.
These two always make me cry whenever I reread the first part of their story, but I love them to pieces. I had one reviewer describe the original book as a modern take on a fairy tale, and I think that’s a wonderful description.

Nathan wasn’t sure why people were so obsessed with dating and sex. Sure it probably felt good but he just couldn’t figure out what all the fuss was about. It might have helped if he knew what he was looking for. But with so many labels and options, he just wasn’t sure. It seemed so easy to everyone else, but to him, it felt like something was missing.
Gabriel thought Nathan was absolutely perfect. Sweet, funny, sexy, and completely confused about what he desired—but absolutely perfect. He wanted to help Nathan. Would his sexy roommate be open to something that was completely outside of the box or would Gabriel ruin their relationship before it even started?

Now what? Dr. Miles Sheppard has been focusing one goal for so long nothing else mattered, including his personal life. Unfortunately, now that he’s crossed the finish line, he’s lost. Gaining his doctorate should have been the hard part of his career, but figuring out what to do next might drive him crazy.
Now what? Sean’s been watching the sexy doctor for months. But when the quiet cutie dozes off in the middle of the crowded bar, it might be time to step in and actually talk to him. Sean’s not shy, but he knows he’s not the most traditional man. It will take more than a sweet temperament and an understanding smile to accept the unconventional relationship Sean is looking for.
When an exhausted doctor meets a bartender who’s more than meets the eye, they’re set for a match made in heaven…as long as heaven includes binkies and bedtime stories.

Growing up in an unusual family has made adapting to college more difficult for Jay. Sheltered and socially awkward, the only easy part about higher education is the classes. While everyone around him seems to instinctively understand what they’re into and who they are, he’s lost and alone. That is, until his new roommate makes life a little more interesting.
Growing up in an unusual family has given Logan a completely different outlook on life. With parents that travel the world and an overly open-minded grandmother, Logan doesn’t believe in hiding who he is or what he wants out of a relationship. That is, until his new roommate turns out to have no boundaries and is a little too nosy.
When the two roommates find out they have more in common than they think, they learn that different doesn’t have to be bad, and falling in love is easy once the walls that keep them apart are stripped away.

Curiosity might have killed the cat—but Finn is hoping it will make him a better Dom.
Finn isn’t sure what form of BDSM calls to him more, but what he does know is that he’s drawn to a certain English professor. Unfortunately, Professor Sexy—as he’s known by his students—is skittish, and Finn knows he needs to take it slow. Teasing Beckett with little notes and presents might be a little outside the box, but Finn never claimed to be conventional.
Beckett will admit he’s curious about his not-so-secret admirer, but he isn’t sure he’s ready to take the next step.
Beckett has always maintained a strict policy about not dating anyone associated with the college, but he’s never been so tempted before. Even if he wants to know who’s been leaving him the notes, there’s still one big question left. Does Beckett’s mysterious admirer know what Beckett’s into, or is he expecting a much more conventional professor?
When an untrained Dom falls for an older, hesitant sub, sparks fly in the most unconventional ways.

Ryland was perfectly happy with his head buried in the sand.
Ryland was convinced that there had to be something better than racing toward adulthood. He just wasn’t sure what it was. Between the decisions about college majors and careers, and never-ending responsibilities, all he wanted to do was let it all go and just unwind. Unfortunately, everyone else’s idea of fun was more stressful than relaxing.
Holden never expected to find the sub of his dreams at the grocery store.
Overhearing the voice on the next aisle talking about how much fun baby biscuits and kiddie snacks were was the last thing Holden expected to happen at the grocery store. But it was music to his ears. Except, the sexy voice didn’t seem to understand what his preferences might actually mean.
As Ryland discovers that growing older doesn’t have to mean growing up, Holden wants to be the Daddy who gets to show him how perfect being little can be.

Eric’s grown more confident. He has to admit that.
With Marcus’s love and support, he’s stronger than ever, but it’s not enough. His daddy’s given him the ability to go after what he wants, but there’s so much more that feels just out of reach. Eric doesn’t want part of the lifestyle or some of the submission…he wants everything.
For Marcus, there’s nothing more beautiful than watching his boy’s confidence grow.
Marcus loves every step that Eric has taken on his journey, but he doesn’t want to push his boy too far, too fast. And when the only part of Marcus’s future that’s clear is Eric by his side, it’s not fair to his boy to rush things. A daddy should be able to provide for his boy. A looming retirement and a questionable future aren’t enough. Not when he wants to give his boy everything.
When it comes to their relationship, Eric is ready to jump in headfirst. But how does Eric show his daddy that everything doesn’t have to be planned out to be perfect?

Eric knows what he needs…he just doesn’t think anyone else will want it too.
He’s finally reached his breaking point. There’s only so many times he can put himself out there and get shot down. After a disastrous first date at a BDSM club, Eric is ready to walk away and push his desires to the furthest reaches of his mind—but then up walks Marcus. But just because the sexy older man is looking for a submissive doesn’t mean he’s looking to be someone’s daddy.
Marcus knows what he wants, and he’s spent months getting everything perfect for his boy…now he just needs to find him.
When Marcus sees Eric at Bound & Controlled, he’s immediately drawn to the sweet submissive who’s desperately trying to hide his devastation. Marcus steps in when he sees the sub’s evening going wrong, but he’s not sure what the shy submissive is looking for. Just because he wants the boy to need a daddy doesn’t mean he’s going to get what he hopes for.
As they discover their mutual desires, Marcus is sure that Eric has the strength to go after what he yearns for; he just needs his daddy’s help and love to see it.

Weirdest munch ever.
Dane isn’t expecting much from the mostly straight munch he’s somehow ended up at. As awkward encounters turn into a boring meet-and-greet, he’s ready to escape when the most interesting Daddy in the room sets eyes and tentacles on him.
When an earnest new Daddy and a slightly confused little come together, sparks and laughter fly because tentacle Daddies make the best Daddies.
This story was originally a novella included in the Dirty Daddies Spring Anthology and has been extended by 30k words in length.

All Trip wants is the man of his dreams. If that guy comes with tentacles and an interesting sense of humor, that’s even better.
When Trip meets Mr. Right—who’s actually more like Mr. Sexy With Tentacles—at the grocery store, of all places, he’s expecting fun and hoping for a bit of domination if he’s lucky. But the one thing he isn’t expecting is for the sexy alien with a passion for control and taking care of his new human to essentially move in.
As one date turns into something more than either of the men had planned, it might take a few old friends to step in and open their eyes to what’s been in front of them the whole time…love.

He knows better…but he can’t help himself.
Dating someone who lives next door is a disaster waiting to happen. Cameron knows better than to agree to date the sexy new alien that’s moved into his apartment building. Just because George is confident and persistent doesn’t mean it would be a good idea. It also doesn’t mean that George understands what Cameron is really looking for in a partner…a Dom who can push him right to the edge.
Aliens landing and asking for asylum was supposed to be the plot of a sci-fi movie, not a sexy romance that’s hotter than anything on cable. But maybe the Dom of his dreams won’t come in the package Cameron always expected. Maybe Mr. Right has tentacles.
While the heat level in this story is higher than some of my books, and there are tentacles involved, it is very much a sweet romance at heart.

Sometimes you just have to go after what you want…even if that’s to submit.
Asa has always known he wanted a Master to serve and love…but finding someone he can trust has turned out to be his biggest stumbling block. Why no one has patience any longer is his biggest question…right up until he sees a man across the room at the Bound & Controlled club. Suddenly, all he needs to know in life is the identity of the familiar man with the compelling stare.
When a blast from the past shows up in the most unexpected place, Stuart knows he has some decisions to make. Asa has always seen things just a little bit differently, and Stuart can’t imagine letting him navigate the club or the lifestyle alone. But is he really the right man for the sweet boy with the troubled past?
Sometimes it takes two slightly broken souls to form one perfect love.

Keeping a roof over his family’s heads has been Landon’s only goal for years. Hard work and multiple jobs kept them afloat, but it didn’t leave much time for self-reflection or a social life. Now that their finances are secure and he can finally have a life of his own, he’s left wondering one thing…now what?
The solemn young man with the tattoos and temptingly placed jewelry might not know what he wants, or even if he’s a sub, but something about him pulls at Porter.
With his world in limbo after the sale of his business, Porter isn’t sure what to do next. For years, building his company was the only thing on his mind, but now, when all he has left is an empty life and too much time on his hands, Porter is left wondering one thing…now what?
When two men come to a crossroads, they’ll have to come together to finally discover what they were really meant to find in life…love.

When had his whole life become so miserable?
Bishop knew something had to change when the only bright spots in his life were his online friends. So when a chance to visit one came out of the blue, he knew it was fate…and fate had a plan that involved the guys at his favorite online store, Leashes & Lace.
When had his whole life become so boring?
Cohen knew something had changed the moment he saw the smiling, laughing man across the crowded bar. After a string of bad dates and terrible relationships, his expectations had hit rock bottom…until a smiling pup stepped into his arms and into his life.
When had his whole life become so grown-up?
Ian knew something had to change when he couldn’t remember the last Daddy he’d dated. Unfortunately, while his work had subs popping out from behind every camera lens, Leashes & Lace didn’t have an abundance of Daddies wandering around…or at least they didn’t until a new pup came bouncing into town.
Our Love is the complete series of three novels that contains Our Pup, Our Boy, and Our Dom. The individual titles will be released separately. As you’ve probably guessed, this sweet romance is about a pup, a little, and a Dom and will be MMM with a wonderfully happy ending.
For full information on tags, spoilers, and book information, see each individual book page.

Flirting with two fascinating men is fun for Destin, but he has to pick just one of the sweet guys if he wants to open up and share his secrets, doesn’t he?
Growing up in a unique environment hasn’t prepared Destin for college or the real world. Luckily, he knows how to throw himself into a project, whether it’s about learning to live in the dorms or the wonderful world of BDSM.
But it isn’t until he realizes that he might not have to choose between the sexy cop and the mechanic with the wicked smile that he realizes how much he still has to learn.
Avery and Ray have been flirting with the mysterious and mischievous Destin for weeks, but it isn’t until he starts to open up that they realize there’s more to the loveable flirt than meets the eye. But when getting to know Destin means dating each other as well, they start to realize how much is riding on their new relationship…everything.

Flirting with his friend’s father was supposed to be just fun and games for Derek, but what happens when teasing leads to unexpected questions and some surprising curiosity?
Derek has known the unflappable Sean for years and nothing ever gets a reaction out of the attractive older man. Nothing, that is, until Derek senses some unexpected curiosity from the man he always thought was straight. But who better than an adventurous switch to help Sean explore his wild side?
Sean knows better than to take Derek’s teasing seriously. There’s a reason he’s always called the impetuous younger man “the pest.” But when Derek’s playful banter leads to some interesting reactions, Sean has to decide what’s more important…hiding behind what he’s always assumed or finally getting to discover who he really was all along.

Can’t get enough Sean and Derek? Get access to my Bonus Library to read The Only Way to Live Bonus chapter.
What’s the best way to get Sean to step out of his comfort zone? Show him that sometimes taking care of friends means trying something new…and naughty.
Sean might be a pro at hiding his head in the sand when it comes to his own curiosity, but Derek knows the way to Sean’s wicked side is to give him the perfect justification…we’re just helping out a friend.
This bonus chapter takes place after The Only Way to Live and before Finley & Jared: Beautiful Shame, Book 5. And don’t worry, Derek might be leading him into temptation but Sean isn’t dragging his feet too much…he just needed a good way to justify being naughty. I think you can enjoy this bonus chapter without having read The Only Way to Live. You do not need to have read Finley & Jared in order to enjoy this bonus chapter.

Living together had been their only goal, but now what?
Bryan and Maddox spent their first weeks back at college trying to keep their relationship from falling apart. Now that they’re living together and learning how to make their unique relationship work all over again, new issues have come up.
When a startling incident with Jeremy and Kevin leaves the couple confused, and a dinner with Maddox’s parents puts them on edge, Maddox does his best to make sure Bryan can cope. Helping Bryan find the courage to take the final steps in accepting what he needs is more than what Maddox wants to do…it’s what a Daddy is meant to do.

Bryan knew going back to college would change things between him and Maddox, but he never expected how much.
With new living situations and problems, Bryan didn’t think his junior year would be so difficult. Going from the perfect summer with Maddox to a crazy roommate who doesn’t respect boundaries is pushing him to the edge. Can Maddox be his Daddy when there’s no place to play and no privacy to be themselves?
Maddox knew going back to college would change things between him and Bryan, but he never expected how much.
He’d spent the summer learning to be the perfect Dom and Daddy for Bryan, but when he can’t even find the privacy to give his boy the spanking he needs, things have to change. The only option seems radical, and he can’t see a way to make it work. Can he be Bryan’s Daddy if he can’t make things right for his baby?
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