A Cute Barista and a Hot Lawyer – A Whipped Cream Kind of Day is Now Available!

The coffee cutie is finally here. Remember the shy cutie that was working for the lawyers? Well, he’s back and he’s so sweet…and eventually he even figures out how to deal with Skyler. I know. It’s a miracle.

It’s also a miracle he found the nerve to talk to Brooks, the sexy lawyer who was one of the only nice guys at the law firm.

You’re going to love what a funny and tender Daddy Brooks is and you’re going to love how much Remy grows during the book.

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A Whipped Cream Kind of Day by MA Innes - Gay Romance Book Cover

But as readers have been finishing their sweet story, I’ve gotten a lot of messages about what’s coming next in this series. The most accurate answer is…I don’t know.

I’ve started a fun, free short for this series that will probably come out in a month or two depending on how distracted I get before I finish it. The bulk of the series is done, although I have a cute surprise coming for you in April (Skyler makes a cameo lol).

There is going to be a spin off story for two guys in the book that are just known as Tony and Loki, but I think that will be a standalone later this year. So for now, this series is done. Although the people in my head generally dictate what gets written next, so I make no promises.

But it does mean that if you’ve been waiting for all the books to come out before you start the series, feel free to jump in. Thank you for all your wonderful comments about these guys and I can’t wait to see where Skyler especially shows up next…because technically these guys are in the same city as the L&L guys. So who knows…

Buy the full series on Amazon

One of Those Day Series by MA Innes

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